Sometimes, when you’re in a beautiful place, it’s easy to forget to take a #selfie. Later, when you look through your photos, you realize there’s one thing missing from them: Your head. Well, don’t worry: I’ve come up with a simple fix to that problem, so you can easily retroactively put yourself in the photo with just a few steps.
Here’s how:
1. Pick out your favorite headshot #selfie:
2. Use a photo editing program to trim out the background:
3. Pick out a photo you took, but forgot to include your own head:
4. Drop in the cropped photo of your head where it seems most realistic:
5. Add the hashtag “#selfie.” Congratulations, your photo will appear in Instagram searches for “#selfie,” along with 88 million other photos*.
*estimate accurate as of 1:30 p.m. PST on March 18, 2014
Here are some other examples:
Thanks for making me piss myself laughing this morning Dude.
This is most amazings.
I’m that guy, who’s laughing audibly while eating a sandwich in a crowded office. This is great.
The coffee shot made the post. Awesome.
The Double Comb-Over Bro-Stache!? Well-played.
Sign me up for your photoshop class.
Ps. Nice ‘tache
OMG. This was HILARIOUS. I was laughing so loud in the parking lot while reading before work. 🙂 Semi-rad? NO! Fully-Raddical!
Then tag @MountainSelfies!
Can I order some of these as prints?
The Honnold shot is FTW. We’re LOLing here in PDX…
F**k yeah! LMAO! This is how selfies should be!