Make Any Scenic Photo A #Selfie With This Swell Trick

Sometimes, when you’re in a beautiful place, it’s easy to forget to take a #selfie. Later, when you look through your photos, you realize there’s one thing missing from them: Your head. Well, don’t worry: I’ve come up with a simple fix to that problem, so you can easily retroactively put yourself in the photo with just a few steps.

Here’s how:

1. Pick out your favorite headshot #selfie:

headshot square

2. Use a photo editing program to trim out the background:

headshot trimmed

3. Pick out a photo you took, but forgot to include your own head:

smith rock before
4. Drop in the cropped photo of your head where it seems most realistic:

smith rock after


5. Add the hashtag “#selfie.” Congratulations, your photo will appear in Instagram searches for “#selfie,” along with 88 million other photos*.

*estimate accurate as of 1:30 p.m. PST on March 18, 2014

Here are some other examples:

cosmiques selfie


delicate arch selfie


west elk selfie


tetons selfie


Alex Honnold in Yosemite National Park.


starry night selfie


felix baumgartner selfie





  1. I’m that guy, who’s laughing audibly while eating a sandwich in a crowded office. This is great.

  2. OMG. This was HILARIOUS. I was laughing so loud in the parking lot while reading before work. 🙂 Semi-rad? NO! Fully-Raddical!

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