Chart: Did You Have A Good Adventure?

did you have a good adventure


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    1. But my question is: Is it necessarily a bad adventure if you died? It’s gonna happen to all of us right? Does that mean life was a bad adventure since it’s inevitably gonna end with death? Love it though.

    2. This is so, so, so wonderful. The kind of thing that makes great inspiration when you’re going through a dark patch. Thank you for writing it.

    3. A friend and partner in adventure struggles showed me this and we could both relate SO WELL! It kind of touches upon the entire concept of the different types of fun – in this case, this is a handy chart to determine if an adventure was of type 2 fun – ‘terrible’ when you do it, but awesome in retrospect because you did it…
      I think it’s mostly about learning from these experiences that makes them adventures. So, if you didn’t die, it means it was a good adventure because you learned a valuable lesson from it! Something to never forget.

    4. I have shared this on a group for Boy Scout Leaders. They are loving it! It perfectly distills the method of Scouting. Congratulations

    5. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
      My wife and I are joking about this all the time now… “But did you die…?” 🙂
      I will buy the t-shirt too.

    6. Pingback: akhadventures
    7. I really want to make just one copy of this, printed on fancy waterproof paper, to put up at the end of group hike. Seriously, may I have permission?

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