Have you commented on how she looks? Or how great she climbs? Jeez!
Tell them Stacy! Although I’d probably open with how great she climbs 🙂 That being said, the chart was super funny lol
It is meant as sarcasm, because these guys are an all too common presence in the climbing gym and are hilarious/irritating. These dudes are to climbing gyms what peacocks (puffed up buff bros) are to LA Fitness 🙂
Very funny. Saw this on FB and thought “here we go”. Would like to suggest an initial step: “Are you at the here to climb?” If “yes”, arrow to box titled “whatever, climb”. If “no” arrow to “Is she looking at you?”
You had me at “take your shirt off” 🙂
I made the female version- Is There a Guy at the Climbing Gym? Email me if you want a look.
“Have you offered her advice about/demonstrated how to climb the route she is on?” (PS: you are my new adventure/writing guru.)
That would piss me off sooooo bad.
Seriously, I’ve probably been climbing for longer than he has, if some guy came up to tell me, ME, how to climb my route, I’d tell the sexist jerk to piss off.
Never try to be a better climber than me.
It makes me extremely competitive.
If you’re at he same level as me, you’re more than welcome to challenge me to a competition and that would probably get you a date if I was interested in you, but I don’t get impressed, I get competitive.
You should move to the north pole, so that the world could revolve even more around you
Possible chart footnote: If she is not looking at you, she’s here to climb. Go hit on someone else.
…obviously. this chart is intended to make fun of the young males that think along the lines in the diagram
Have you commented on how she looks? Or how great she climbs? Jeez!
Tell them Stacy! Although I’d probably open with how great she climbs 🙂 That being said, the chart was super funny lol
It is meant as sarcasm, because these guys are an all too common presence in the climbing gym and are hilarious/irritating. These dudes are to climbing gyms what peacocks (puffed up buff bros) are to LA Fitness 🙂
Very funny. Saw this on FB and thought “here we go”. Would like to suggest an initial step: “Are you at the here to climb?” If “yes”, arrow to box titled “whatever, climb”. If “no” arrow to “Is she looking at you?”
You had me at “take your shirt off” 🙂
I made the female version- Is There a Guy at the Climbing Gym? Email me if you want a look.
“Have you offered her advice about/demonstrated how to climb the route she is on?” (PS: you are my new adventure/writing guru.)
That would piss me off sooooo bad.
Seriously, I’ve probably been climbing for longer than he has, if some guy came up to tell me, ME, how to climb my route, I’d tell the sexist jerk to piss off.
that is exactly the point of the above picture
Never try to be a better climber than me.
It makes me extremely competitive.
If you’re at he same level as me, you’re more than welcome to challenge me to a competition and that would probably get you a date if I was interested in you, but I don’t get impressed, I get competitive.
You should move to the north pole, so that the world could revolve even more around you
Possible chart footnote: If she is not looking at you, she’s here to climb. Go hit on someone else.
…obviously. this chart is intended to make fun of the young males that think along the lines in the diagram
Why girls should just climb with girls. https://www.slantnews.com/story/2016-01-19-8-reasons-why-girls-should-climb-with-other-girls