The Snowball Effect Of Procrastination

drawing of snowball and text: "sit down"

drawing of snowball and text: "more coffee"

drawing of snowball and text: "more snacks"

drawing of snowball and text: "check email"

drawing of snowball and text: "check social media"

drawing of snowball and text: "check news"

drawing of snowball and text: "check weather"

drawing of snowball and text: "attempt to organize desk"

drawing of snowball and text: "I'll just answer a couple more emails"

drawing of snowball and text reading "actual work," with snowball about to smash log cabin reading "deadline"


If you JUST decided that you MUST have this in a printed format to IMMEDIATELY gift it to someone SPECIAL to hang above their desk, it’s available in unframed and framed versions in the shop: 


snowball effect framed poster