Things In Yellowstone That Can F—ing Kill You


   [I am re-posting this again this year at the beginning of the season for peak visitation in Yellowstone National Park because I feel it is still a relevant public service announcement]

drawing of bison and text: more than 2.5 million people will visit Yellowstone National Park this summer. Most of them will not die there—but here's a quick refresher on some things in the park that can potentially be fatal to humans.

hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: grizzly bears hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: Elk hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: moose

hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: bison hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: mountain lion hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: rattlesnake

hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: geothermal pools hand-drawn yellowstone trading card: yellowstone supervolcano

handwritten text: this is not an ad, and it doesn't have to be an ad because of the people who support Semi-Rad on Patreon—a very inexpensive way to say "I like this stuff. Please keep making it" (and to get access to free stuff + Patreon-only content). For more info, click here.
