Other Horns Of Switzerland (Besides The Matterhorn)

I was in Zermatt last week and was fortunate to gaze upon the incredible Matterhorn, at the south end of town, on posters and logos, and on postcards everywhere. It was great—but I wondered: What about the other horns? So I did some research*. Turns out there’s plenty more where the Matterhorn came from.

*making dad jokes with my friend Doug for an entire hour of running

drawing of the matterhorn

drawing of the matterhorn with a human hand throwing the horns

drawing of a miniature matterhorn under a magnifying glass

drawing of the matterhorn holding a notepad next to a therapist's couch

drawing of the matterhorn composed of dark matter

drawing of a question mark against a black background

drawing of the matterhorn wearing a metallica t shirt

drawing of the matterhorn incorporating splatter paint

drawing of the matterhorn wearing lab coat and stethoscope

drawing of the matterhorn with carl winslow's head

See more of this type of thing on my Instagram.

