Zen And The Act Of Washing Dishes

handwritten text title box: Zen And The Act Of Washing Dishes

Handwritten text about attitudes toward washing dishes

hand-drawn chart showing our attitudes toward washing dishes


handwritten text with photo of men saying they actually love things

handwritten text and headlines about dishwashing being the most contentious chore between couples

handwritten text box about producing dirty dishes

handwritten text about most of us cooking at home nowadays

handwritten text about how we should deal with washing dishes

handwritten text about the three methods of washing dishes

chart showing the timelines of 3 dishwashing strategies

handwritten text about dishes never going away

hand drawn chart showing dirty dishes being constant until death

handwritten quote from maya angelou


handwritten text and photo of issue #3 of The Climbing Zine


drawing of a bowl with zen story "wash your bowl" written on it

photo of anthony bourdain with quote


handwritten text and quote from New York Times Magazine handwritten text and drawing of sink full of dishes handwritten text about Admiral William H. McRaven's 2014 commencement speech quote from Admiral William H. McRaven handwritten text about changing the world


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