It’s Time To Look Back On A Year Of Food Memories

Last year, my girlfriend and I decided that instead of getting each other gifts for the holidays, we’d just go out to a nice dinner somewhere and talk about our favorite memories of the past 12 months. It started well, with a brief volley of travel stories, hers, then mine, then hers, remember the time we did that thing at that place, oh yeah, remember the other story from that other place a few months later—but then it devolved somehow into our favorite food moments of the year. I am not sure who started it, but I’m sure it involved someone saying “remember the rosti at that place?” or something similar.

And then it went on, from semi-expensive fancy meals to diner breakfasts served briskly across the counter with a fork and knife stabbed into them, to a half-gallon of chocolate almond milk my friend Chris and I eliminated in a matter of minutes on the tailgate of my van after a long, hot day of climbing at Lumpy Ridge.

It felt kind of strange, recounting the entire year in memories of food, but then we just went with it. In the end, I think it’s a great way to remember a year. When you think about it, eating is usually a happy thing. You’re often with your favorite people when you do it. It’s typically part of special occasions. And in my line of recreation, a lot of it takes place in beautiful outdoor locations (or directly after burning thousands of calories, which makes it taste even better).

So I’ve been thinking about my 2015 List of Food Moments. I’d encourage you to do the same. Here are a couple of mine to help you brainstorm.

May: High Pie Pizzeria, Telluride
After a long weekend at Mountainfilm and after most the festival-goers had left town, Hilary and I walked into the High Pie Pizzeria for a calm Sunday night dinner. One of the young, female bartenders sat in a chair in the middle of the room, opposite a cowboy-hatted guy with a guitar, who serenaded her with old country songs. A film called Unbranded had won the Audience Choice Award at the festival, and the gentleman with the guitar was Val Geissler, a cowboy poet and one of the stars of the film.

September: Safeco Field, Seattle
It’s rare that I get an hour-long in-person conversation with my friend Fitz anymore—seems like we mostly see each other at trade shows and film festivals, where we’re lucky to get five minutes to chat in the middle of social events. And we both love baseball (or at least I love eating food in the ambience of a professional baseball stadium), so on a sunny evening, we met at the ballpark and had a great three hours and some semi-decent hot dogs. I do need to remember to remind him that he let me pay for both the tickets and the hot dogs, though.

September: Bear Creek Lake Park, Lakewood, Colorado
When I told my friend Syd I’d signed up for my first ultramarathon, he got up early (despite spending the previous evening at the Great American Beer Festival) and brought his wonderful enthusiasm to the race course, dousing me with water when I stopped after each lap, filling up my water bottles, and keeping me feeling positive about my chances of shuffling across the finish line before the cutoff time. At the start of my second lap, I joked, “Do you want me to bring you any snacks from the aid stations? They have everything.” Syd joked back, Yeah, get me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So I did. At the last aid station on my lap, at the 15.5 mile mark, I grabbed a few snacks, filled up my water bottles, and picked up a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Syd. I tried not to smash it, but by the time I got to the end of the lap and saw Syd waiting, the sandwich had a big thumbprint in it and a small dead fly stuck to the exposed peanut butter. He laughed and ate it anyway.

November: Interstate 70, Eastern Utah
After wrapping up an assignment with my friend Forest, we ate a celebratory dinner at the very fancy, very amazing Hell’s Backbone Grill in Boulder, Utah. When we hit the road the next morning, I grabbed two frozen burritos for snacks on our four-hour drive to the airport in Grand Junction, where I’d drop him off to catch his flight. Near the Utah-Colorado border, we decided it was Burrito Time, but the burritos were still pretty chilly, and maybe a little frozen in the middle. I turned the defrost up as hot and high as it would go, and we put the burritos on the dashboard right over the vent so they would defrost, or maybe even cook a little bit. After a few minutes, it got hot. I unzipped my sweatshirt. Forest took off his shirt. I sweated. Just a couple more minutes, I said, feeling the icy middle of my burrito. Finally, I said the hell with it and we started eating the burritos. They were kind of warm, kind of cold, with a definitely just-this-side-of-frozen bit in the middle. The food was not what you might call “good,” but we were done with our assignment, headed home, and I couldn’t help wonder what all the truckers we passed were thinking when they saw two guys in an Astrovan with a bed in the back eating burritos at 80 mph, one of them clad in only a pair of shorts.

Now, what did you eat this year?


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    1. My housemates and I started having dinner together once a week. We take turns cooking the meal while the rest of us clean the house. We hang out, jam to some tunes, dance around, laugh like crazy and eat an awesome home cooked meal. Often the highlight of my week!

    2. The Mirkwood Chicken pizza I ate at Moonlight Pizza in Salida after coming off the summit of Mount Antero on the 4th was quite memorable. Also the 3 or 4 other pizzas I ate at Moonlight Pizza the days previous to the 4th.

    3. I ate breakfast at the WhoaNellie Deli in Lee Vining, CA, with some photographer friends and then visited Bodie . Great food. Great day.

    4. Most memorable one for me was on a solo hike of Black Mesa in the Oklahoma Panhandle last winter. I went to the side of a cliff that was overlooking New Mexico, and way in the distance, I could see the snow-covered top of one of that state’s big, dormant volcanoes. I sat there and ate summer sausage, cheese sticks, King Hawaiian rolls and an orange. No one was around. It was so awesome, I repeated the scene a few hours later, near the trailhead, at an old creekbed that has dinosaur tracks in it. Same meal, but also with a 12-ounce Tecate.

    5. Shelf Road, Halloween breakfast with all the amazing people from the AAC for the Craggin’ Classic. I made my world famous Breakfast Burritos in 4 varieties. Big hit and cemented my invitation for events to come.

      Pot Luck at Beth Heller’s house. I made my world famous fresh Pica de Gallo, Tracy made bruschetta and Beth made a chicken soup dish. Can’t remember the rest of the wonderful food but the people were stellar. Beth’s brother, the Nelson Wongs, the Hoffman’s Very wonderful times.

    6. Just a couple weeks ago went bike camping in 14 degree weather in the Black Hills with 2 great friends. We ate fried spam and instant mashed potatoes cooked over the fire. It was quite possibly the best meal I had all year.

    7. Impromptu Canadian thanksgiving in the US:
      Some friends and I were hanging around Seattle on a break from school (in BC). We were in a bookstore at 4 pm and decided then and there to have a thanksgiving meal that night. We mobilized and by 7 pm we had an entire feast on the table complete with numerous dishes, pies, and several bottles of wine. Very happy taste buds, less happy overfull stomachs, and much laughter followed.

    8. After hundreds of miles backpacking the PCT this summer, I stopped at Muir Trail Ranch to pick up a resupply and was overwhelmed by the tasty bounty in the “hiker barrels.” Completely famished, I turned feral and in the span of, like, a half hour, ate two packages of Gushers (yes, the gross candy), a package of cheese crackers, a candy bar, and several “enchiladas” made with corn tortillas, canned chicken, and the better part of a package of sun-melted Kraft singles. It was like Christmas.

    9. A friend and I went to China to visit our other friend. After getting fed up with the city, we took buses and taxis and more buses for hours to the outskirts of the city, where we were unceremoniously deposited. We hiked through streets and clumps of trees and fields, finally making it to a ridge overlooking the city. It was secluded and dry so we built a fire, made *real* ramen noodles, and slept as the city noises drifted up to us.

    10. Me and some buddies went on the road for a few months in Feb. During the trip we discovered that hotdogs are a cheap, satisfying , source of “meat.” We proceeded to consume 120 dogs or so during our travels.


      1-2 unheated (pre-cooked) dawgs
      taco bell volcano sauce
      crushed doritos
      slice of wheat bread

    11. Ice climbing at Sandstone ice park in Sandstone, Minnesota. Slices of salami and pepper jack cheese on a day so cold that the fatty goodness of both was actually starting to freeze. No one climbed well, but we felt happy we’d climbed at all.

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