Friday Inspiration 437

I do not often settle in to watch something I’d call a “dance video,” but this popped up in my YouTube feed and I think it’s a very impressive feat of choreography and teamwork. Plus it’s FUN. (video)

thumbnail from CDK - Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye


LONG SHOT, BUT: We have one space open on my Running to Stand Still Freeflow Institute writing + trail running workshop, July 16-21 in Whitefish, Montana. If you are interested and available, send an email to before next Wednesday (June 26th) and we’ll get it figured out late next week!

It is difficult for me to not link to Mike Sowden’s Everything Is Amazing newsletter every time he puts out a new installment, because a) he seems to be having more fun than anyone else I’ve found on Substack, and b) it’s so good. So I often hold back. But his latest, “It’s Okay To Not Know,” was a really fun read, especially for a person like myself, who doesn’t post that often on social media because I don’t feel like I have that many opinions worth sharing to a broad audience (is that called shyness?). Also: “performative certainty” is one of those phrases my brain has been searching for for months, and never found, so I am grateful to Mike for creating it.

This doesn’t really fit the theme of this Friday newsletter, but I’m just putting this here in case you read last week’s link about the guy with the suspended driver’s license. Because he apparently never had a valid driver’s license, which makes the whole thing even more ridiculous.

I think this Millennium Falcon is the coolest LEGO creation I’ve ever seen.

So this article does not tell us why people in certain regions of the world tend to eat spicy food, which is what the study set out to find, but it does have a nice graph of where people eat spicy food, and how spicy the food is per region, which is pretty interesting.

I spent a solid 15 minutes on the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit yesterday, laughing my ass off. Why are these things so funny? Because they’re so relatable? I don’t know. I give you these three submissions:

I think this McSweeney’s piece is high art, and also architecture criticism, and also satire, and also will probably remind everyone of a house they’ve seen somewhere.

This weekend, I am filming my Patreon “Ask Me Anything” Q&A about publishing/self-publishing/my new book, so if you’re a Patreon supporter, send me any questions you have, and if you’re not a Patreon supporter and you’d like to ask a question, you can take 90 seconds to sign up here.