Friday Inspiration 354

Your regular Friday Inspiration content appears below, but, ahem, REAL QUICK: I made calendars for 2023. There are four of them. Perhaps you, or someone on your holiday shopping list, would like one. They are the perfect size for everyone. If you really like one of the illustrations on one of the months, you can just cut it out and tack it onto your wall. The calendars are $17.99 each plus shipping. Here they are: 

The 2023 Semi-Rad Dog Calendar:

Four Page Preview - Dog Calendar


The 2023 Semi-Rad Procrastination Calendar: 

four page preview procrastination calendar


The 2023 Semi-Rad Coffee Calendar: 

V2 Four-page preview Semi-Rad coffee calendar


The 2023 Grand Canyon Groovers Calendar (back by popular demand): 

Four Page Preview — Grand Canyon Groovers

Thank you. Now back to our regularly scheduled content:


I have never related to a tennis ball so much in my life (video)

I met up with cartoonist + comedian + all-around swell guy Jason Chatfield a couple weeks ago, after I’d been subscribed to his newsletter for months, and I have to say, after getting to know him a little bit, he’s just as great as I thought he would be (as is his wife, Sophie, also a comedian, and their dog, Morris). Here’s a recent cartoon from his newsletter (which you should totally subscribe to if you like fun). 

A headline for your consideration: Chinese Man Runs A 3:28 Marathon While Chain-Smoking (thanks, Mark)

If you eat apples and have an opinion on which ones are good and which ones suck, or you just want a good laugh, please allow me to point you in the direction of (via BoingBoing)

“New research suggests that pigs — like many humans — are smart enough to recognize a conflict between others and defuse the situation.”

This is how you write a joke

I am guessing at least a few people will relate to this McSweeney’s piece, sent to me by my friend Bodie: A Parent’s Typical Day As Envisioned By My Child’s Preschool
