Friday Inspiration 349

The usual links + video appear below, but first I would like to share something I’ve been working on since a guy named Dave half-jokingly suggested it back in January: a cookbook. Which is also at least half-joking. It’s called 15-Second Recipes, and I had 1,000 copies of it printed. It’s on sale as of right now, for $6.99 plus shipping. It contains 25 “recipes” for meals you can “prepare” in 15 seconds or less, and I’m not sure I should try to explain it any further, except that I think it might make a good gift for someone in your life who eats “meals” standing over their kitchen sink. Here are a few photos of it, and here’s the link to the shop page where you can purchase one or more copies.

15-Second Recipes A Cookbook For Busy People by Brendan Leonard


Without further ado, then:

I can’t believe I just discovered this video, and this method of making coffee, which is no doubt going to change my entire morning routine (video)


I remember several years ago learning that while hip hop “officially” started in the Bronx in 1973, it can trace its DJ roots back to Jamaica—as can a lot of other forms of music. This episode of 99 Percent Invisible goes way back to the roots of those roots, with a deep dive into the history of Jamaican sound system culture. 

Perhaps you, like me, have had multiple friends mention to you Oliver Burkeman’s book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals? Oh, you haven’t? Well, let me be that friend then. I was a little hesitant to pick up a book with “time management” in the title, but I think that’s not exactly what it’s about. It’s sort of flipped the idea of time management and optimization upside down for me (even though I’m not quite finished with it), and was a really refreshing read after several years of being endlessly served up successful CEOs’ morning routines.

I shared this film made by some dear friends when it originally came out a couple years ago, but now the new version of it is being re-released, and in watching it yesterday, it reminds me how much hope and optimism I can draw from young(er) people with great ideas and incredible work ethic (video)

Having just read Denis Johnson’s book Jesus’ Son for the first time earlier this year, I kind of can’t believe the timing of this New Yorker story going back to the real events that inspired the first piece in the collection of short stories, Car Crash While Hitchhiking.

A little context about this very short, very joyful video: I believe it’s from last Saturday, when the Seattle Mariners came back from seven runs down to beat Toronto. I thin that’s all you need to know, besides that you should watch it all the way to the end. 

This is a very cool short piece from cartoonist Jason Chatfield’s Substack about a creative ritual (or post-creative ritual?) shared by many cartoonists over the years—which also might be good for my office?
