“I have a lot of stuff to process, mentally and emotionally, and I do that best when I’m doing hard things”
—champion bike racer Alexandera Houchin (video)
Drew Magary rediscovers bicycles as an adult, something that, I would argue, if more people did it, might make the world a happier place overall
“The bologna arrives in darkness. Hundreds of pounds cross into the U.S. from Mexico at once. Rolls are stuffed into the backs of SUVs, sewn into car seats, shoved into spare tires, or hidden in suitcases beneath heaps of shirts and socks. Once, in El Paso, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer drilled into a car’s bumper and the bit came out pink, covered in the slimy residue of lunch meat.”
When we were in high school, my friend Dan once began a book report in our freshman English class with the phrase, “Many of us have never beaten a dead horse,” and then proceeded to talk about whatever book he had read, which had nothing to do with literal horses or the metaphorical beating of a dead horse, and I still remember that to this day for some reason. I thought of it when I saw this mention of the U.S. Forest Service’s guide to “Obliterating Animal Carcasses With Explosives,” complete with this diagram of where to put explosives on a deceased horse.
[Imaginary] apartment buildings inside giant redwood trees
The looks on the guys’ faces in this clip are a testament to the belief that it is better to give than to receive
I designed this coffee mug inspired by Rowlf back in March, and at that point I had no idea he only had a few more months to live. But I’ve been thinking about him a lot since he left us, and I decided to donate 50 percent of the profits from the sales of the mug to the Humane Society of Western Montana in his honor at the end of every year. So if you buy one, you’ll be helping dogs find homes, something I think Rowlf would have approved of, since he was a rescue dog.