If you’ve ever described running as a “monastic” activity, then this film about Yukai Shimizu, a Buddhist monk and runner, is for you (thanks, Forest)(video)
Paddy O’Connell made a great story about his dad, and dad stories, for the Outside Podcast
Spend a few delightful minutes with this XKCD cartoon about U.S. towns and cities that share names
This rock climbing-themed board game has now more than doubled its Kickstarter goal with 20 days left, and if you like rock climbing and board games, you might like it
“meet dark fish: biologists suspect that up to 95% of the world’s total fish population lives in a deep layer of the ocean that is difficult to detect and we know little about.”
I did not know IKEA hacking was a thing, but now I know a lot about it
I would not say I love The Fast and the Furious, but I love Shea Serrano’s writing about movies so much that it makes me want to watch the movies he writes about