Why We Can Still Listen To “What’s Going On” 50 Years Later

handwritten text


handwritten text and drawing of berry gordy


handwritten text handwritten text and magazine cover showing Kent State Massacre


handwritten text

handwritten text and album cover


handwritten text

handwritten text and photo of lyrics handwritten text and drawing of detroit lions football helmet


handwritten text and football cards handwritten text

handwritten text and drawing of a cardboard box handwritten text and 7-inch single of Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"


handwritten text handwritten song lyrics and album cover of "What's Going On"


handwritten text


handwritten text and Geto Boys "Six Feet Deep" cassette single


handwritten text and magazine cover showing Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

handwritten text over background of question mark

handwritten text

drawing of Marvin Gaye


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