Friday Inspiration, Vol. 212

“LAX is a city unto itself, with so many moving pieces and individual people all doing their part to keep it moving. Despite its struggles, it is a logistical and modern marvel. I wanted to show it in a way it had never been seen.”
—filmmaker Chris Pritchard (video)

If you need a heartwarming/heartbreaking story today, I suggest this one, about the guy who has been keeping 60+ former lab testing chimpanzees alive on an island in Liberia—for 40 years.

OK here’s one more heartwarming story about people helping people in small ways.

I happen to think Kilian Jornet is a hero, most recently because he is building a spreadsheet of ski resorts around the world that permit uphill traffic.

Here is a helpful Twitter thread about writing.

Mitochondrial p27: my newest (minor, not 100% proven) justification for my coffee addiction.

My friend Alastair Humphreys took off on his bike last year, riding around Yorkshire for a month, recording interviews with regular people who find ways to live adventurously, and he just launched his podcast last week.

If you’re near Boulder or Denver next week: I’ll be speaking and signing copies of my book Bears Don’t Care About Your Problems from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17th, at Neptune Mountaineering. Info here.
