Friday Inspiration, Vol. 197

Here’s 3 1/2 minutes of pure BMX fun—lots of people say the last trick in the video is the best, but I kind of like the golf ball one. (video)

Why Older Runners Have an Edge in Ultra Races

The table of contents of Moby Dick, as copied by Jean-Michel Basquiat and later used in a painting

How to get pedestrians out of the bike lane on the Brooklyn Bridge: Ride a wheelie across the entire bridge.

Hard to imagine wolves having a better advocate than Montana state senator and wildlife ecologist Mike Phillips in this interview with Tim Ferriss (podcast)

This collage art curation account (they always credit artists!) is my favorite new Instagram follow

List: Attending Burning Man Or Parenting A Toddler?

A post from the Semi-Rad archives this week: Dear Foam Roller:
