Friday Inspiration, Vol. 175

If this classic story of a dog learning to drive Formula 1 race cars and then a spacecraft doesn’t warm your heart, I don’t know what will (video)

This UPS delivery driver created a hashtag for all the dogs on his route and it’s pretty fantastic

“‘A good conversationalist is somebody who is fun to talk to,’” [Terry Gross] said. Ms. Gross, it’s worth noting, is very funny. If you can’t be funny, being mentally organized, reasonably concise and energetic will go a long way in impressing people.”
How to Talk to People, According to Terry Gross

I’m pretty excited that Field Notes made a U.S. highway map.

Night Clubs For People Over 30

If you didn’t get a copy of Chris Kalman’s climbing book As Above So Below in its first printing, the second printing is now available.

I took part in a roundtable discussion about “exploration” at the Banff Mountain Film Festival back in November with Hazel Findlay and Kate Harris, and had fun being by far the least qualified of the group to speak on exploration. (video)

A post from the Semi-Rad archives this week: Honest Climbing Gym Partner Ads You Never See
