Friday Inspiration, Vol. 163

Please appreciate this math-based animated short film about Pi (video)

If People Talked To Other Professionals The Way They Talk To Teachers

The Humble Brilliance of Italy’s Moka Coffee Pot (thanks, Anna)

I saw this 54-minute ski film at the Kendal Mountain Festival in November, and it was one of my favorite adventure films I saw all last year. (video)

Kip Praslowicz is photographing the vintage beer signs of the Midwest before they all disappear

WeRateDogs’ “The Dogs of 2018” video has more than 8.5 million views as of me typing this and if you are a dog person you will probably understand why

Why calendars are more effective than to-do lists

FiveThirtyEight complies its best and weirdest charts of 2018 (thanks, Mitsu)
