A short film about the handful of people who race each other to be the No. 1 redistributor of New York City’s bikeshare bikes (video):
Neat story about running, but more about generosity, in this Twitter thread
Fashionable Outfits For Working From Home
I’m teaching a writing class on a raft trip on the Salmon River next June 23-28—it’ll be accredited by the University of Montana (but you don’t have to be a college student to sign up):
Pretty simple idea here: instead of writing a negative review about something, write a positive review of something else
Has anyone else read Haruki Murakami’s book What I Talk About When I Talk About Running? I’m halfway through it and loving it. I just found this list of quotes from it, which capture a lot of what he writes in the book.
I have been following Amerigo Gazaway since he mashed up Marvin Gaye and Yasiin Beye in 2014, and he just released this mix of Nina Simone and Lauryn Hill.
I made a list of 100 of my favorite things and added to the website here (also, it was pretty fun, I’d recommend doing it yourself sometime).