Brad Gobright and Jim Reynolds climbed The Nose in a little over two hours last fall. You can watch them do it in a little over seven minutes (video):
Marty Brodsky is publishing a piece of flash fiction bi-weekly. Here’s one of them—if you like it, sign up for his email list at the bottom and get another one in your inbox every couple weeks.
Why travel won’t fix your dissatisfaction with your daily life.
One author says you should wait 17 seconds before solving problems for your kids.
“My camera can only give you a small sense of the wonder that comes from standing beneath a 60,000 foot tall mountain of swirling wind and water, but to that end I do the best that I can to capture a glimpse of that majesty.”
If you’re in Boulder/Denver, Luis Benitez and Jamie Logan will be speaking at Dispatch Radio’s Rare Air Talks on May 17 (I’ll be speaking at the June event).