Friday Inspiration, Vol. 114

Don’t let people think you’re bored with them. Use these five ways to hide a yawn: (video)

“Life is about decisions. Either you write 100,000 words a day or you meet people and develop ties of affection. You can’t do both.”

So Tom Hardy made a hip hop album in 1999 and it’s actually not that bad.

Part of the creative process: The act of stepping back and asking yourself, “OK, is this really a thing or not?

I’m sure you can find at least one use for this sound board made up iconic noises from your favorite rappers.

Ode to An Unfinished Book

50 Cent, who basically accidentally made $8 million on Bitcoin: “Ima keep it real, I forgot I did that shit lol.

Yes, Climbing magazine, this film does look like the next Vertical Limit (but maybe a little lower production costs).
