Friday Inspiration, Vol. 87

“Think about it: At my age, I should be sitting at home doing my knitting.” (Video)

“It’s the same journey and experience for everybody. That’s why I want to be here to talk to people and what they’ve experienced and share some moments of the race. All the runners are here chatting with each other. To be part of the same experience — you can be here running, crewing or volunteering. It’s the same level of importance.”
—Kilian Jornet, on waiting 28 hours after winning the Hardrock 100 to watch the last runner finish

“Listen carefully to your ego when it tells you that you’ll be fine on a 50-meter pitch with a handful of nuts and a pink tricam.”
-Ryan Siacci, The 6 Best Tips For Becoming The Worst Trad Climber

“If it’s not the serial killers than it’s the bears. If it’s not the bears than it’s the weather. There are just too many fears to keep track of. It’s easier to stop fearing them.”
endurance cyclist Lael Wilcox

Being constantly busy makes us less creative.

How does caffeine keep us awake? (5-minute video)

Some tough love from a writer on why you shouldn’t ask “can I pick your brain?”

How a 1977 NYC blackout helped hip hop explode.
