Friday Inspiration, Vol. 29

So basically every time Joey Schusler buys a plane ticket for a flight longer than five hours, he makes an adventure film that becomes a Vimeo Staff Pick:

There are two types of emailers in the world: Those who can comfortably ignore unread notifications, and those who feel the need to take action immediately.”

“I’m begging without words. I’m begging with a smile. Not with a frown.”

“Do I have a body? Yes? Do I have a bikini? Yes? THEN I HAVE A BIKINI BODY.”
—Sarah Knight, I’ve Got Your Bikini Body Right Here

Aaron Draplin’s book Pretty Much Everything is on sale now and I’m pretty jazzed about what I’ve read of my copy so far.

Obituaries for Teenage Girls If They Actually Died When They Say They’re Dying.


3 replies on “Friday Inspiration, Vol. 29

  • Collette Wheeler

    Thank you so much for sharing.Things that I would never see, things that I would never experience. Thank you.

  • JT

    This video just rallied the troops for an after work bike ride! Thanks for the stoke, it definitely helped boost morale.

  • willie bailey

    The juxtaposition of these two great videos is crazy.
    I sent the “bikini body” article to every female who is close to me. Hope they dig it and buy bikinis!
    The word “Fuck” is prevalent in a number of posts nowadays, hmmmm.
    Anyway, I fuckin’ love it!
    TGIF! Thanks for the inspiration on this slow Friday on duty.

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