Friday Inspiration, Vol. 21

Four minutes of Japan to get your wanderlust up:

“It’s called ‘anxiety reappraisal,’ and it boils down to telling yourself that you feel excited whenever you feel nervous. It sounds stupidly simple, but it’s proven effective in a variety of studies and settings.”
—Olga Khazan, Can Three Words Turn Anxiety Into Success?

“Humans have two billion smartphones, and, based on the ultra-conservative assumption that we each upload about two photos a day to various Internet platforms, that means we take about four billion photographs a day. It’s hard to imagine how many photos total are sitting on our devices.”
—Om Malik, In the Future, We Will Photograph Everything and Look at Nothing

I love these NYC subway map posters, even if they are “totally accurate, totally useless.”

You can bid on this Smith Rock triptych made up of community-submitted photos, but even if you don’t have the money to bid, you can still marvel at it on this web page.

It would be great if Apple’s new Night Shift meant you could stare at your phone/iPad before falling asleep without it messing with your sleep—but that’s not quite the case.

Even if you don’t know who Afrika Bambaataa is, this is pretty awesome news.
