Friday Inspiration, Vol. 65

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Good news for the environment, terrible news for the 935 Navajo Nation jobs that will disappear by the end of 2019.

How to Make Something People Give A Shit About.

“I literally typed, ‘Are there black climbers?’ in Google … someone said, ‘black people don’t climb,’” Mikhail Martin, co-founder of Brothers of Climbing.

Some tips on how to be a good writer, by Stephen King, a guy who has sold a few books.

Michael K. Williams asks himself: Am I Typecast?

“Many boomers and Gen X’ers charged with disposing the family heirlooms, it seems, are unprepared for the reality and unwilling to face it.”

Excerpts from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House In The Big Suburbs

“As an adult, I can put on whatever pants I want, so I bought some JNCO jeans, and wore them for seven days to see how my life could be different.”
